Sunday, June 03, 2007

Hot Fuzz

Dir: Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead)
Cast: Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Jim Broadbent, Paddy Considine, Bill Nighy, Timothy Dalton
UK, 2007

Seen: May 6, 2007 at .. sigh 'Scotiabank' theatre (formerly known as Paramount)

Reason to see: Are you kidding? Looks hilarious!!!!! Funny British Action flick? I'm so there! It counts as week 19/52 for my See 1 film a week in the theatre for a year.

I loved every single minute of this film. I loved the pace, the style, the humour, the actors, story, references... every single thing. It's so thrilling to go to the theatre and just enjoy everything. It's fun and silly, it made me laugh as well as jump (someone actually screamed in the theatre at one point - too funny). It didn't make you think too hard but it did make you feel. There are some great underlying things it is trying to say, even though you may not believe me it I told you and you wouldn't expect it in an 'action' film. Just see it, you'll see.

Warnings: violence

Shannon's Overall View:
I loved it
I'll buy it
I highly recommend it, except if you are really anti-violent and dislike lots of blowing stuff up and such. But even then, give it a try!

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4 minutes for 4 commercials
11 minutes for 5 previews (Superbad, Death at a Funeral, 28 Weeks Later..., Balls of Fury, Run Fatboy Run)

1 comment:

Suzie Ridler said...

I totally agree with everything you said Shannon! Especially the surprising "feeling" element. I tell ya, most movies these days (especially this summer) seem to have no heart but this one really did and I loved it. It's one of my favourite movies of this year and truly kicks butt. It made me care about it. I love that too.